Get High Risk House Insurance help started and insure your property. Insure homes, condos, townhouses and mobile homes (469) 546-0021.

Highlights of High Risk House Insurance Policies Available:
Coverage A dwelling property coverage for homes valued $25,000 – $1,000,000
Property Coverage
Contents Replacement
Medical Payments
Additional Living Expenses
“A” Rated or better Admitted and Non-Admitted Markets
Hard to place risks (High Risk Houses) accepted
Low credit scores
Poor Claims history
A Lapse in coverage
Coastal Risk O.K
Protection Classes 9 and 10 Accepted
Homes with fire losses if you can provide a Fire Marshals Report
Homes with fuses
Bankruptcies, foreclosures or repossessions in the last five years may be O.K.
Most Construction types accepted:
Stucco or EIFS (Synthetic Stucco)
Cinder block & More
Get free expert help for distressed properties or portfolios of non-standard or high exposure personal or commercial real estate.

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Whether you are a first-time home buyer, a veteran of many years of mortgage payments and house upkeep, a condo owner or an apartment dweller, your household is one of several million in the United States. Chances are your home is your single most expensive budget item and for the home or condo owner your most valuable investment. Homeowners insurance is sometimes referred to as a “package” policy that covers both property structures and personal possessions as well liability.
Because it is comprehensive, your homeowners insurance policy may include coverage you are not even aware of. If your personal luggage is stolen from a hotel room while you are away from home, for example, you will of course want to notify the hotel and the local police department. You will also want to check with your insurance company about coverage for loss under your home owners insurance policy. And if your house burns down leaving you without a place to stay, your policy may contain living expenses as well as reimbursement for damaged property payments.
Some Final Tips
Take the time to shop around for homeowners insurance. Compare prices, service, and coverage.
Provide the most complete and accurate information to your agent or broker when requesting a premium quote or completing an insurance application.
Read all applications or finance agreements before signing. Read them again after you have filled them out completely and before you sign in order to check and see if everything is correct. Never sign a blank form or something that you do not understand. Keep a copy of all signed documents in a safe place for your records.
Review and read your policy when you receive it. Don’t file it without checking to see that the coverage, limits, premium, and other information are correct. Also, read through the policy carefully to identify your rights and obligations and the company’s rights and obligations under the terms of the policy.
Keep an inventory of personal property, listing all of the items you own, the dates purchased, and the price. If possible, take pictures of important and valuable items. You may want to videotape your home and possessions as well. Keep these records in a safe place away from home, preferably in a safe-deposit box. Also, periodically update your inventory, appraisals, photos, and videotape. This will help you to file and settle a claim quickly and efficiently.
Will My Policy Completely and Totally Replace My Home If It Is Destroyed?
This depends on whether your policy is a replacement cost value policy or an actual cash value policy. If your policy is an actual cash value policy, it will not. California courts have decided that actual cash value, unless otherwise specified in the insurance contract, is the fair market value. Fair market value can be loosely defined as the amount that a knowledgeable, willing buyer would pay and that a knowledgeable, willing seller would take for an item, neither being under unusual pressure to buy or sell. Insurers are permitted to provide an alternate definition of actual cash value in the policy if another method of determining value is to be used.
Workers’ Compensation laws provide a no-fault remedy to employees injured in the course of their employment. Eligibility of specific categories of worker for Workers’ Compensation benefits depends upon the specific laws of the state in which the employment occurs.
The Workers’ Compensation Law applies generally to regular residential employment. Homeowners policies in some states are automatically endorsed to provide Workers’ Compensation coverage for residence employees for a nominal premium.
Some State laws do not mandate Workers’ Compensation coverage for residence employees, and Homeowners policies in some states do not provide any Workers’ Compensation coverage.
Except for the limited coverage provided for residence employees under certain policies, Workers’ Compensation claims are not covered. If you employ anyone other than an occasional residence employee, it may be necessary for you to purchase additional insurance to cover your Workers’ Compensation risk. We suggest that you contact a Customer Service Representative to discuss your possible needs in this regard.
The Personal Liability and Medical Payments to Others coverages afforded by a Homeowners policy apply to Bodily Injury claims of residence employees other than those made through the Workers’ Compensation system.
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