Coverages A, B and C (Dwelling, Other Structures and Personal Property) are insured against various causes of loss. These causes of loss are called perils. Different policy forms insure against different perils. The following perils are covered by all of our policy forms — HO-2 and HO-3 for homes, HO-4 for renters and HO-6 for condominium units:
Fire or lightning;
Windstorm or hail;
Riot or civil commotion;
Damage by aircraft;
Smoke from fireplaces; other smoke unless it is from agricultural smudging or industrial operations;
Vandalism or malicious mischief to contents if the dwelling is occupied;
Theft to contents;
Damage by falling objects;
Damage by weight of ice, snow or sleet to a building or to property inside the building;
Accidental discharge or overflow of water or steam from within a plumbing, heating, air conditioning or automatic fire protective sprinkler system or from within a household appliance;
Sudden and accidental tearing apart, cracking, burning or bulging of a steam or hot water heating system, an air conditioning or automatic fire protective sprinkler system, or an appliance for heating water;
Freezing of a plumbing, heating, air conditioning or automatic fire protective sprinkler system or of a household appliance;
Sudden and accidental damage from an artificially generated electrical current, excluding loss to tubes, transistors or similar electronic components;
Damage by glass or safety glazing material which is part of a building, storm door or storm window;
Volcanic eruption, other than loss caused by earthquake, land shock waves or tremors.
Additionally, the HO-2 and HO-3 forms for homes and the HO-4 form for renters will cover damage by a vehicle to the dwelling or to personal property. For HO-2 and HO-3 forms only, there is coverage for damage to fences, driveways or walks caused by a vehicle driven by a nonresident. The HO-6 form provides all of this same protection for condo owners, but it is limited to the property which is the condo unit owner’s responsibility under a corporation or association of property owners agreement.
For structure damage, the HO-3 policy provides special, broader coverage than the HO-2. Instead of naming specific perils that are covered, the HO-3 covers damage to the dwelling and other structures unless the cause is specifically excluded. The exclusions — such perils as earthquake, flood, neglect, wear and tear, deterioration and others — are listed in the policy.
Here are examples of losses that would be covered only by the HO-3:
Vandalism or malicious mischief even if the dwelling has been vacant for more than 30 consecutive days.
Damage to fences, driveways or walks by a vehicle even when it was driven by a resident.
Accidental damage to floors, ceilings and walls.
Scorching of countertops, such as inadvertently placing a hot pan on a kitchen counter.
Water damage to walls and ceilings caused by alternate freezing and thawing of snow and ice on roofs.
The HO-3 policy costs more than the HO-2, usually an average of approximately 5%, and is subject to Company approval, but home owners should consider the value of this insurance protection.